How To Get Effective Job Briefs From Clients To Attract Top-Tier Talent

As a busy recruiter, whether your internal or a recruitment consultant in a busy agency, you’ve likely experienced the frustration of finding a candidate who seems a perfect fit for a job vacancy, only to hear from your client that they’re not what they’re for.
The problem often lies in the mismatch between candidate profiles and client expectations. One effective solution to this issue is ensuring we get a good job brief from our clients. Job briefs are crucial to streamlining the recruitment process and getting the results you want. 

In this blog post, we’re going to cover two aspects of the recruitment journey; firstly, how to gather all the information from the client or direct manager to write a good job brief, and then secondly how to write a detailed, yet punchy job description to attract the right quality of candidates.

Understanding the Client’s Expectations

Establishing open communication with the client from day one is crucial. This applies whether you’re work in internal talent acquisition or you’re an external recruiter working with the client for the first time. 

A thorough understanding of the type of CV the client is looking for goes a long way in ensuring candidate fit. 

The job brief becomes our roadmap, guiding us through the recruitment journey, enabling us to match candidate profiles with client needs accurately.

What Is A Job Brief?

A job brief, also known as a job description or specification, is a detailed written account of a specific role you’re hiring for. It serves as a definitive guide for potential candidates, employers and recruiters, setting the stage for the entire recruitment process, whether that’s externally or internally.

A well-crafted job brief not only attracts top-tier talent but also sets clear expectations for the role, ensuring a seamless recruitment journey. 

How To Get A Good Job Brief From Client

This process involves delving into the required skill sets and personality during the interview process. It’s about visualising the candidate in the role and aligning it with the client’s expectations. 

More importantly, comprehending what the job role would look like when it’s finished is key to finding the right fit.

Breaking down the brief into digestible chunks is an effective strategy. Ask targeted questions to extract valuable information from clients and gain a deep understanding of their needs. Learning from past failed hires also provides vital insights that can be applied to future recruitment efforts.

The Role of the Brief Inside the Business

A good recruiter doesn’t just fill vacancies; they help businesses move forward. 

Reflecting on the job advert and team structure can provide valuable insights into whether or not the role is truly what the business needs. The brief isn’t just about filling a position; it’s about finding a solution to move the business forward.

Job briefs from the client, the advert and role description all play a crucial role in the recruitment process. If not written professionally and compellingly, you risk deterring high-quality applicants. 

3 Top Tips To Get The Best Job Brief From Client

Identify the Problem Before Advertising the Job

Before the job is advertised, it’s crucial to understand how the role fits within the group structure and the environment the candidate will be working in. 

Engage with the client and their existing team to identify what type of leadership or support would be beneficial. This approach ensures that the role advertised is the one that will best solve the identified problem.

Defining Success for the Role

Understanding what the client and company aims to achieve by hiring for the role is vital. These desired results should be incorporated into the job brief to attract candidates who can deliver on these expectations.

Consider Team Dynamics

Our final tip involves carefully considering both candidates’ and the existing team personalities and group dynamic, and how they would mesh together. 

A successful recruitment process goes beyond just filling a position; it’s about finding a candidate who will complement the existing team’s dynamics. This involves understanding their personalities and attitudes and finding a role that suits them. 

Bringing the right personality and attitude into the team can have a significant impact on team dynamics and results. A well-crafted job brief helps ensure a quick integration of new hires into the existing group dynamic, leading to quicker and more sustainable results. 

When it comes time to craft the job advert, make sure you’re clear in the job description about the type of personality you’re after. It’s a great time saver. 

Understanding an individual’s traits is a learned skill, don’t be disheartened if you get it wrong at first. It’s why the best recruitment consultants would also make excellent psychologists! 

Engaging the Team in Creating the Brief

Involving the team in creating the job brief can help improve culture and dynamics. It provides valuable insights into what type of candidate can enhance overall team performance and foster a positive working environment.

So, as the recruiter don’t be afraid to go above and beyond, and ask for different views from people within the team to get the best brief possible.

Post-Client Briefing 

Once you’ve gotten the brief from the client, it’s now time to produce the external job brief or description that will form part of the advert. 

As well as forming a large part of a job advert, job descriptions also serve as a reference point for responsibilities and performance levels, which is particularly useful during appraisals or when considering promotions. For new managers, it provides a framework and benchmark for understanding the scope and level of responsibility attached to the role.

A well-written job description includes several key components such as the job title, its position within the team and broader business, key areas of responsibility required education and training, remuneration range and benefits available. 

It also pinpoints the personality traits needed to excel in the role while being reflective of the company’s culture and identity.

How To Write A Job Description

A well-written job description includes several key components such as the job title, its position within the team and broader business, key areas of responsibility required education and training, remuneration range and benefits available. 

It also pinpoints the personality traits needed to excel in the role while being reflective of the company’s culture and identity.

When crafting your job description consider the following:

Job Title: This should accurately describe the role. Avoid overstating or understating it to avoid attracting overqualified or underqualified applicantsJob Purpose: Provide a concise description of why the job exists and what it aims to accomplish. This should be no more than four sentences long.

Key Areas of Responsibilities: List the main duties of the post in bullet points or numbers. Each duty should have a verb and end with an outcome.

Writing an effective job brief involves prioritising duties, using generic language and avoiding words open to interpretation. 

A useful formula to remember is “DO what + TO what = ACHIEVE what”.

How To Improve The Quality Of Applicants With A Job Advert

The job description is not going to entice people to apply, to do that, you will need to write an engaging job advert for job portals.

Use dynamic, active language that clearly explains the benefits of the role. 

To avoid wasting-time, make sure you state the minimum requirements needed to apply. 

To deter unqualified applicants, state the minimum qualifications required to perform the job successfully. Qualifications could include education, specialised knowledge, skills, abilities, professional certification and experience.

How To Make A Job Advert Stand Out 

Create a Person Specification

The person specification should be divided into two parts: essential and desirable. Essential skills and experience are vital for the role. Desirable skills and experience are beneficial but not crucial for the job. Try to be specific about the types of experience required and avoid expressing experience requirements in years as can be construed as indirect age discrimination.

Reporting Line / Direct Reports

It’s important to the reporting structure so applicants know where they stand in the hierarchy. A direct reporting line to senior management may be a significant factor for applicants seeking a promoted post.

Working Conditions / Physical Requirements

If special working conditions or physical requirements are involved, be sure to include them in the job description. This could involve regular evening and weekend work, shift work, working outdoors or dealing with challenging clients.

4 Common Mistakes to Avoid In Job Descriptions

Avoid these common mistakes when writing job descriptions to ensure a successful recruitment process. 

Avoid Jargon 

One of the key pitfalls to avoid is using internal terminology that might confuse potential candidates. Job descriptions should be clear and easily understandable by all applicants, whether they already work for the company or not.

Involving Stakeholders

Furthermore, it is essential to involve all stakeholders when defining the role and its specifications. 

By including input from various individuals or departments within the company, you can gather a comprehensive understanding of what skills and qualifications are necessary for success in the position. 

This collaborative approach will help ensure that accurate specifications are produced, setting realistic expectations for both recruiters and candidates.

No Discriminatory Language

Another important aspect to consider is refraining from using discriminatory language in job descriptions. It is crucial to create an inclusive environment for all applicants by avoiding any wording that could potentially exclude certain groups or individuals based on factors such as gender, race, age, or disability. A conscious effort should be made to use neutral and inclusive language throughout the description.

Keep Reviewing

Lastly, reviewing job descriptions regularly is essential as roles can evolve over time. As companies grow and adapt to changing market conditions or organizational needs, job responsibilities may shift or expand. Therefore, it becomes imperative to periodically revisit existing job descriptions and make necessary updates or revisions accordingly.


In conclusion, a well-crafted job brief is an invaluable tool in attracting top talent and setting clear expectations for roles within your organisation. 

By following the guidance provided above, you will be armed with the knowledge needed to create effective job briefs that will streamline your recruitment process and attract the best candidates. Happy recruiting! 

About Easy Tech

Our bespoke Easy Tech software streamlines the temporary recruitment process, making it simpler and more effective. Everything you need is available in one software product. 

Following a logic link methodology that flows from one stage to the next, with a communication hub to keep track and record compliance checks all in one easy management system.

We specialise in a variety of industries, with our healthcare recruitment software, manufacturing recruitment CRMteaching agency recruitment software and more.

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