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Employer Brand Identity: Who are you and why should candidates want to apply for opportunities with you?

Are your employees leaving you for your competitors? Skilled labour is diminishing so you need to do a bit more to find those good candidates. Have you thought about putting out content such as a picture or a video a couple of times a week? What are your values and passions as a company? Attract candidates who share the same visions as you. It’s not just about salary and benefits. What’s the ethos of the company? What’s does a typical day in the office look like? Be consistent and authentic.

Continue your 9 step journey

Job Briefing: Is your perfect match rejecting you? What can you do to make them swipe right?
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Job Adverts: Be DiffErenT. You’ll never stand out if you do the same as your competitors.
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Tracking Effectiveness of Recruitment Campaigns: Always be selective when picking your job boards.
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Two-way communication in Recruitment: If you like them, don’t wait around. Act now!
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Interview Preparation (Employer): Its true, you’re going to fail if you don’t prepare.
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Candidate Engagement: Anyone who turns up for an interview deserves your full attention.
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